River Dwellers
Great Blue HeronFor a bird, I’m a really big guy (or gal), bigger than most hawks. My home territory is north & central America & the Galapagos islands. I build my nest in tall trees. My favorite sport is fishing in marshes, rivers or on the sea coast. I prefer to fish alone but like living with a large group of herons, called a ‘rookery’. Besides fish, I like to eat frogs, dragonflies, crayfish, insects & even snakes. Without me, some of these species would be out of control – so I have an important job for the ecosystem. And I especially love living around the Locust Fork River.
image courtesy pixabay |
Southern Water SnakeDid you ever hear the phrase ‘mean as a snake’? I’m not mean! Really, I’m a pretty timid fella (or gal) when it comes to human folk. I’m not venomous but I will bite if cornered. My body is brown with cross bands of reddish-tan (classy, huh?). My 9-50 children are born live, not as eggs. They know how to swim from the beginning of their life. Do you know how to swim? It sure is important! Fish & frogs & salamanders don’t like me! I eat them. Without me, some of these species would overpopulate so I have an important job for the ecosystem. I love living in the quiet pools of the Locust Fork River, but you will rarely see me because I’m pretty shy & I’m nocturnal.