Hikes on the Locust Fork River & in Central Blount County
❈ Annual Outing led by Friends of the Locust Fork River (FLFR).
HIKE Ratings: ♦ Easy - mostly flat, few obstructions, street shoe friendly. ♦♦ Mild - may have some elevation change and minor obstructions such as fallen trees and feeder creeks, etc, sports or hiking shoes recommended (no step-ins or flip-flops). ♦♦♦ Moderate - has definite elevation changes (up & down the riverbank), will encounter obstructions (winding through rocks & trees), sport or hiking shoes recommended. >♦< Difficult - definite elevation shifts and various types of obstructions, sports or hiking shoes required, hiking staff recommended. |
♦♦ Swann Covered Bridge Park
- easy to mild scenic walks around the park - currently no amenities - not handicap accessible ACCESS: The Swann Covered Bridge is closed to vehicles, but the park is open to pedestrians. Vehicle access is possible from the Nectar (west) side of the river. Street address: 1590 Swann Bridge Road.
♦♦♦ Powell Falls ❈
Annual FLFR Hike as part of the Covered Bridge Festival in October. - a moderate 30 minute hike (each way) to an impressive 8-foot twin falls ACCESS: From river-right (west) side of Swann Covered Bridge (see above) – head down stream. One cannot miss the falls (hiking this is within a stone’s throw of the river at all times). FEATURES:
- lovely river bank scenery, gorgeous in the fall - continuous rock cliff to the west - usually cooler temps in this narrow river canyon ♦♦♦ Horton Mill ❈
Annual FLFR Hike in November - a moderate 30 minute hike (each way) to the site of the historic Horton Mill ACCESS: from Horton Mill Covered Bridge (Hwy 75, 3 miles north of Oneonta); walk down under the bridge and proceed upstream (north). In a half-mile or so you will encounter a dilapidated stone wall on your right – this is all that remains of the historic Horton Mill.
>♦< Graves Creek - Mardis Mill Falls ❈
one of Top Ten Waterfalls in North Alabama Annual FLFR Hike - a moderate to difficult 20 minute hike (each way) down a delightful little canyon below Mardis Mill Falls. ACCESS: from the US 231/79 Bridge in Cleveland - go north, at the “Y” take Hwy 79 to Guntersville - you're going uphill - just over the crown, turn right at the 4 way crossroads onto Mardis Mill Road. In .25 mile, cross the bridge and park.
>♦< Cornelius Mill Falls - Taylor Ford ❈
- a moderate to difficult one-hour hike (each way) to a beautiful set of falls and exposed rock - a great lunch spot - May through September are wonderful for swimming and playing in the falls, or just wade in the river and explore the river bank around the Ford (a historic ford across the river where the Taylor family owned land). ACCESS: to the Falls from Taylor Ford - you’re on river-right so just proceed down the riverbank. It’s an undeveloped trail so occasionally you’re bushwhacking through recent growth. About 40 minutes downriver there a spot where you may need to use your hands to scramble over some rock, but on the other side it’s an easy stroll to the falls.